Seeking truth

Youth is a time for seeking truth.

Youth is a time to challenge the norms and conventions we are born into in our respective families and cultural surroundings. It is a time to ask fundamental questions about existence, such as “Who am I?” or “What is the meaning of life?” and to look inside for what our heart of hearts has to say abou this.

As the Wake Up movement for youths has been initiated in 2008, brother Phap Luu points out how the early writings of Thich Nhat Hanh can nourish this movement and provide support in our natural and healthy tendency to find our own voice, our own authority and buddhahood.

Youth is a time for seeking truth

The excerpt read by Brother Phap Luu is from the book Fragrant Palm Leaves – an early diary of Thich Nhat Hanh. (Full dharma talk)